ARTIST: Four Stars
SONG: “Fool’s Gold”
SOUNDS LIKE: Emo rock for fans of Mayday Parade, Hot Mulligan, Modern Baseball
ABOUT THE TRACK: Chicago emo quartet Four Stars has released “Fool’s Gold,” the result of years of witnessing systemic oppression and being lied to in their lives. There are many who would like to paint this as an issue of political relevance, but the band believes politics go out the window when Americans die at the hands of those sworn to protect them.
“I am African,” says vocalist Aida Ahmed. “Born in Kenya to Somalian parents. I am Brown, but I cry for my Black brothers and sisters I see on the news. How can we be free when we live in fear of those tasked with ‘protecting’ our freedoms?“
In the video for “Fool’s Gold”, the band wears white-out contacts to symbolize the state of hypnosis much of our country has been in for far too long. “We’ve been conditioned into complacency by a system; built by the privileged, for the privileged; that exploits the rest of us financially, physically and mentally. How much louder must we yell for change before we are finally heard?,” asks Ahmed.