Time-Traveling Concept Indie-Pop Band 94RCADE Release Debut Single “High Speed Chase”

While on a routine trip to 1994, Dave Choi (drummer), managed to break his time machine, leaving him stranded. He began building a new machine and through a terrible combination of poor science and a will to escape; he accidentally created the 94RCADE. 24 years later, in 2018, Trevor (vocals/guitar) and Christian (bass/vocals) were out on the town when their car broke down and they ended up in an abandoned warehouse district. That was the moment they unfortunately encountered the 94RCADE. They were transported into the machine and that’s where our story begins.
The music video for “High Speed Chase” feels more like a Netflix sci-fi comedy or a reimagining of the cult classic Weird Science.
“The concept of ‘High Speed Chase’ is centered around chasing the things that you want, running away versus running towards something, or vice versa,” says the band. “We wanted to write a song that was as care free and open minded as we are; yet displays our longing towards an ultimate goal. The video is about how we met Dave during our first experience in the 94RCADE.”