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Hard-rock trio Fire By Night has released their first track of 2022 titled “Menagerie.” While the track immediately and exquisitely captures the vocal command of the group’s lead singer Kai Vander Maten, powerhouse drummer Faith Powell leads the track through its ebbs and flows of emotion while Skippy’s instrumentation and vocals lend themselves to blend perfectly with Maten’s delivery.

“Menagerie” was written by guitarist Skippy to reflect the negative experience of conformity that he faced head-on in his first corporate job. The band shares, “Saying, ‘I am Menagerie’ as opposed to ‘I am in a menagerie’ or ‘part of a menagerie’ became a way for Skippy to give his inner madness a name, personify it, and is what he considers his monster name.”

“[Skippy] felt like a puppet, like he was being forced to conform to the standards of his employer, and that he had to hide who he truly was,” the band continues. “There was a madness inside that wanted to come out, that he had to suppress, but that often showed itself whether he willed it to or not. The video illustrates how the madness inside will make its way out, and becomes more volatile as others try to force you to fit inside their box.”

While simple, the trio against a white backdrop puts them front and center, and the visual for “Menagerie” illustrates the control that a corporate job and conformity can have over you. As the video progresses, each member is slowly transformed into a corporate puppet, with more refined hairstyles, button-down tops, and blazers. Overall, “Menagerie” is a lesson in being your most authentic self regardless of the circumstances and breaking free of the confinement of conformity.

The “Menagerie” music video was filmed by Lance Gergar. The track was recorded, instrumentally produced, and mixed by Jose Silva of Backporch Productions, while vocal production fell to Cory Spotts of Absolute Recording, and then mastered by Mike Kalajian of Rogue Planet Mastering.

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