Three Ways You Can Help an Artist/Band Without Spending Any Money

If there’s an independent band or artist out there that you really love and you want to help them out, but you don’t have any money, I’ve got three easy ways to you can do that for free! Even easier, they can all be done from your phone.
1. Stream their music 📈
We know that artists don’t make a tooon of money from streaming, but it’s still a very crucial part of their success. Just listen to their songs as much as you can on YouTube, Spotify or whatever platform you like.
2. Like/Comment/Share 👍
Go to the band’s FB, IG, Twitter, or YouTube channel and like/comment/share their latest post. It will take less than 5 minutes and will immensely help their engagement/reach since most platforms squash those things unless you pay for ads.
3. Message a friend 📨
Know a friend that might like that band or artist? Send them a quick message, sharing a link to your favorite track? You might just gain the artist a new fan and help your friend find their newest obsession.
Written by our Head Publicist Jesea Lee.