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Lost At Sea Sign with Revival Recordings and Release “Collider” Single

Dallas emo/post-hardcore trio Lost At Sea has recently inked a deal with Revival Recordings (Alesana, Famous Last Words) to release their debut album Motion Sickness on April 30th. Today, you can watch a music video for the record’s first single “Collider,” which premiered at Punknews.

The inspiration for ‘Collider’ came from an extremely vivid dream our drummer had,” says vocalist/guitarist Aaron Gonzalez. “He was on the phone with his girlfriend as she got into a car crash and he had to listen to everything and the aftermath over the phone. The song is ultimately about having an overwhelming awareness of the fragility of life, and how important it is to take every chance you have to tell people you love them.

For the production of the album Motion Sickness, Lost At Sea teamed up with Ace Enders (The Early November) and Nik Bruzzese (Man Overboard) at The Lumberyard in NJ.

Ace & Nik pushed us to grow in so many ways,” says Gonzalez. “Before tracking anything, we broke down every song to its basic elements, found the heart of each song and built them back up as strong as they could be. We even ended up writing a good portion of the songs in the studio.

Motion Sickness represents a chaotic period in the band members’ lives, the uncertain time between finishing school and attempting to figure out the rest of your future. That time of feeling without direction or “lost at sea” ultimately influenced the group’s name change from “Corusco” as well.

We were all moving to a new city after spending a little too long living in a college town,” says Gonzalez who jokingly refers to the band’s genere as ‘post-grad’. “We were feeling left behind while our friends and the rest of the world moved on and appeared to know what they were doing. It’s difficult and I feel like while so many people go through this, we don’t really talk about it. “

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